Smart Hotel
The integration of services specific to the needs of hoteliers, which along with the products and services provided by smart integration of all network services and communications in a unique hotel system, contribute to the main objective of the hotel business and the creation of new revenue by increasing occupancy and attracting permanent and targeted guests with reducing operational costs.
More demanding guestes and strong competition are factors that affect hotel business to be based on providing services adaptedto each user, using the new information and communication technologies that can improve and enrich the content and the overall experience for the customer and thus greatly increase sales revenue.
Such a hotel nowadays is called the "smart" and globally is defined as a "Smart Hotel"."Smart Hotel" provides new types of services thatare following the highest international standards and provide a range of advantages and benefits that attract visitors, contribute to the recognition of the hotel and differentiation compared to competition. These services increase the reputation of the hotel, affect the classification and thus the hotel prices.
From technical point of view, smart hotel is a collection of the most advanced hardware, software and set of communication technologies that can be constructively applied in the field of hotel management.
Investing in these modern systems by applyingof new standards with the objective of integrating the comprehensive management of the hotel building is now inevitable investment.