Smart Hotel

The integration of services specific to the needs of hoteliers, which along with the products and services provided by smart integration of all network services and communications in a unique hotel system, contribute to the main objective of the hotel business and the creation of new revenue by increasing occupancy and attracting permanent and targeted guests with reducing operational costs.

More demanding guestes and strong competition are factors that affect hotel business to be based on providing services adaptedto each user, using the new information and communication technologies that can improve and enrich the content and the overall experience for the customer and thus greatly increase sales revenue.

Such a hotel nowadays is called the "smart" and globally is defined as a "Smart Hotel"."Smart Hotel" provides new types of services thatare following the highest international standards and provide a range of advantages and benefits that attract visitors, contribute to the recognition of the hotel and differentiation compared to competition. These services increase the reputation of the hotel, affect the classification and thus the hotel prices.

From technical point of view, smart hotel is a collection of the most advanced hardware, software and set of communication technologies that can be constructively applied in the field of hotel management.

Investing in these modern systems by applyingof new standards with the objective of integrating the comprehensive management of the hotel building is now inevitable investment.

Access Control - hotel locks



Energy savings by using automation

New technologies significantly influence the reduction of operational costs, primarily through energy savings by automatic control of heating, cooling, air conditioning, lighting while simultaneously adjusting to each guest. A set of rules that determine how these segments communicate with each other is called the protocol.

Our platform's management is enabled by the KNX protocol, which is the only European standard and is in accordance with the European (EN 50090) and international (ISO / IEC 14543) building automation standards.

Color panels and room touch panels

Audio systems

Today, modern hotels can not operate without modern technological solutions, one of which is the audio system. The most modern audio systems for hotels and other business premises guarantee that the hotel, hotel rooms or premises make a special place for relaxation and enjoyment.The system of high-quality sound systems hotel room with multi-channel options sound distribution and remote control, with easy operation is a solution that will satisfy hoteliers and designers.

Keys for a more comfortable life

In addition to short-term trends, there are designs that never go out of fashion, the so-called real classics, such as switches in the LS design.

Modern range A design provides a lot of interesting ideas for forms, colors and materials.The design of the switch in the AS series, white or beige-ivory color, shows the way to the perfect form and function. SL and CD designs are based on balance and harmony.

To charge the battery of mobile phones and tablet JUNG USB there are dual chargers with high charge current are the best choice.



Hotel information system

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PMS - The reception software

Applications for front office PMS software (Property Management System) represents the entire system for managing and reporting at the hotel. Is enabled by automating most of the process, control the execution of business functions, simple user interface, and integration into other hotel systems. This application is adapted to the staff and guests of the hotel, under the terms defined by the hotel procedures.

BMS - Central application for control and management

BMS (Building Management Systems) performs centralized monitoring, control and management of smart rooms and other hotel facilities (HVAC, lighting, blinds, from access system, safety control, etc.).

Professional solution realized by KNX protocol (only European standard in this area) and integrated into the IP network can monitor the building, network facilities or complex systems with a large number of control points and devices.


Hotel information system

The technology of building intelligent building - Smart Buildings - includes linking all major infrastructure systems into a single communication computer IP network.

This includes, for example, use one server for multiple systems, interconnection of server applications for the purpose of simple and safe operation for staff and guests, and a variety of communication media for access to different ISP providers.

IPTV hotel system

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Our solution is the IPTV HD generation of interactive TV systems for hotels. This system offers an invaluable source of entertainment, services and information. This system provides on-demand movies, games, pay-TV, music on demand, Internet, services and information channels to meet the needs of all hotel guests.

In addition, the IPTV service that we provide will give the hotel an extra income through advertising.

Wireless network (Wi-Fi)

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Standard hotel offer includes wireless Internet access - Wi-Fi system, where it can be a free service in order to attract new guests and increase occupancy or as a service that is charged and brings additional income.

At the same time Wi-Fi can be infomative and promotional channel through which customers use Wi-Fi service in the first approach to the Internet to obtain information about the offer or the events in the city.

Hotel telephony

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The classic analog or IP hotel phones are now options for selection and provide services tailored for different user needs.

Apart from the possibilities offered by the classical telephony, digital VoIP switchboard contains a host of new applications with an unlimited number of concurrent calls and unlimited number of connected phones, conference services and adapting to the specific needs of the hotel.

Video Surveillance

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Management facilities with video surveillance aims availability for a greater number of information and increase the overall safety and security with continuous monitoring and archiving of events concerning the operations of the hotel, and guests and hotel staff feel safer and more relaxed. Through video system the potential hazards can be proactively  detected or make the analysis of adverse events. Access is provided via a smart phone.

Fire alarm

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The system for fire alarm warns of the spread of fire and thus allows timely intervention, thus protecting human lives and property.

Each object requires proper selection of elements of the system, depending on the type, structure, purpose and tachnology of the object. Building fire alarm system shall be subject to legal regulations and important factors that are the choice of adequate facilities and equipment, certificates, tests and checks.

Uninterruptible power supply

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Thanks to new technologies, systems for uninterruptible power supply (UPS) are ON LINE models (double conversion) and they provide a clean, uninterrupted power supply of critical equipment in the field of information technology and telecommunications, as well as automation.

Wide range of diesel generating sets is adapted to fit the special needs of customers.

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